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Thank you, 2024 supporters!

In 2024 this beautiful music was made possible by the generous support from the audience, individuals, foundations , commercial  sponsors and our wonderful host families.

Audience Donations:

As of Aug 31, 2024  we had received a total $ 8,870 from the following sources:

Audience Donations at Concerts

Donations with reservations

Individual Donations (web)

Foundation Donations (web)

Commercial Sponsorships







$ 8,870.00

Individual Donations 2024 (As of Aug. 31, 2024)

Listed below are 2024 individual donations made via the website. Their tax deductible receipts issued automatically.
Also listed are donations of $100 or more made by check at the concert. Their tax deductible receipt is issued on request.
Not listed, but greatly appreciated, are cash donations made at the concerts by the audience, or by seat reservers via the website.

The Coweeman Donors ($20-$99)

Clark Potter
Ed Jill
JoaAnne Baker
Miss Joanne
Organist. St. Paul
V. Molinos
Philip Portwood

The Kalama Donors ($100-$249)

Annya Jenissen
Bill Comin

Christopher Ishihara

David Hamilton

John Baldwin

Linda Potter & Tom 

Paul & Sue Brenc & Tear

Ron Works

Tom & Margaret Hickey
Vernon & Karen Pickett

The Lewis Donors ($250-$999)

Carolyn Hail
David Taylor
Ernie & Oriana Cadman John Mc Clelland Lesley Bombardier
Mrs. W.C. Kirkpatrick
Rick Wollenberg

The Cowlitz Donors ($1000-$ 4,999)

Grant Mack
Mel & Marge Ofstun

The Columbia Donors ($5,000-$9,999)

Cathy Cochrane**

The Legacy Donors* ($10,000 or more).

**In Memoriam:

The new stage at St. Stephen’s Parrish Hall was contributed by Cathy Cochrane in memory of her mother, Marjorie Cochrane, a violinist and supporter of the arts.

*Legacy Donors (Contribuition of $10,000 or more), will be recognized in every future program. If desired, Legacy Donors will be recognized here every season and on every printed program. We will also work with you to develop other forms of long– term or ongoing Legacy support tailored to your family or organization’s needs. Please reach out to us at info@crfest.org

Commercial sponsorships:  R.L. Ray Violin Shop, Olympia; Columbia River Reader, Longview.

Host Families:

Dr. Wendell Kirkpatrick family.

Become a Volunteer

We welcome volunteers for the following roles:
1. Concert assistants*. Greeting and directing patrons
E-Ticket/Reservation taker
Donations box and “Will Call” Desk.
Ushering patrons to their seats

Distributing printed programs
Lights, doors or air conditioning controls and miscellaneous pre-concert preparations.

* Concert assistants need to arrive 60 minutes before the performance. 
2. Intermission Refreshments. Organize/Host.
3. Dinners with Artists and other fundraising events. Organize/Host.
4. Assistance with website updates and office tasks, remotely.
5. Photography and video recordings.

We thank our longtime sponsors:

Interim 2024 Festival Report (as of Aug 31, 2024)

Dear Friends,

The Columbia River Chamber Music Festival was excited to present our concerts this past August. I hope
you enjoyed our top-level professional musicians from several states playing some pieces never
performed in our area. Thanks to the generous support from those of you who attended, we were able to
pay most of the musicians and some of our support expenses. Unfortunately, the attendance was much
lower than we needed. This past festival was a learning experience for us. We learned that we need a
year-round local effort of community outreach and promotion by better tapping the community

As our interim financial results show, we fell short in the advertising and fundraising needed to cover all
the expenses of our ambitious six-concert Festival. We have no option but to conduct a post-festival
campaign to raise $5,000. to pay our outstanding bills. Those of you who can and wish to help, can
contribute directly on this website now or, if you prefer to write a check, kindly contact us at
info@crfest.org. Just as important as financial help, is finding people who can help as volunteers and
board members.

One of our major efforts in the coming months will be to involve the public schools in Longview, as well
as Lower Columbia College and the Public Library. On December 15, Don Kirkpatrick and Friends will
present a Beethoven/Christmas concert at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church.

In May, Clark Potter and Franziska Brech will return to Longview to present more of their popular Public Library events, as well as
participate in Camille Saint-Saëns popular Carnival of the Animals, a fun piece for young people. In
August, we will present a pared down version of our Festival with just 4 concerts on Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday, all at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church.

After many years of inspired programming, Chris Leach, our Artistic Director and Co-founder has chosen
to resign due to health reasons. I will fill the role of Artistic Director and, temporarily, assume the
treasury responsibilities until we find local volunteers experienced in fundraising and accounting.

We are also excited to welcome our videographer, Juan Avendaño, as a new board member. He is
studying for his Doctor of Musical Arts degree as a pianist at the University of Oregon. He will volunteer
as a Director of Web design and Communications.

Once again, thank you to each of our supporters and volunteers. I firmly believe that the Columbia River
Chamber Music Festival can be a wonderful cultural asset for Longview and environs. But we need your

With hope,

Grant G. Mack
Chair/Artistic Director

Income* 2024 = $8,870.

*Income includes $900 in payment to musicians
by G. Mack but excludes his other payments of $1,700.

Expenses 2024** = $9,890.

** Expenses exclude unpaid bills of $3,270 and fees donated by artists of $3,450 (Co-founders
$2,550 ; Others $900). Administration includes website construction contract.

Income and Expenses